Monday, January 20, 2014

Who are your friends?

Do you have the perfect friends?  The ones who never you let you down, agree with everything you say, like everything you like and their schedules always align with yours?  No... yeah, me neither.  But, how many times do you find yourself upset with them, even if to yourself, that they're not living up to your standards?  I know I grumble when one of my friends just can't get it through their thick skull that I'm the genius...
Here's the thing though, when you look at your friends, are they solid friends, the ones you can fight through the differences, inconveniences and letdowns, or are they disposable?  Are they worth their uniqueness?
Friends invest in one another, they work through their ups and their downs.  Don't let someone's temporary shortcoming or letdown determine their ultimate standing in your eyes.
Remember, this is a two-way street.  you've let them down from time to time (more times than you probably want to admit or even know)... and they're still your friend.  If you're expecting your friends to only create positive experiences in your life and leave no room for error, I think you need a heart check.  Something I struggle with is how close a friend can get to me.  How much of my wall should I let down, how vulnerable should I be with them?  A struggle within it is when a friend lets me down, I feel the need to raise the wall some, as if to punish them for their faults and that this is precious space.  Don't get me wrong, you are special and who you are around is vitally important.  Don't misconstrue keeping lousy friends for friends who have faults.  We all have faults, but there are people who are just lousy at being friends.  All they do is pull you down, suck the life out of you, cause drama, etc.  Those people are not good for you.
Now, with that... here's the tension: Christ hung around 12 guys who repeatedly let Him down, some proved worthwhile, while one in particular was just not up to snuff (sorry, Judas, you didn't make the cut).  Surround yourself with those who'll better yourself (not necessarily socially or in status) but as a person (though Christ wasn't in need of a boost).  Always keep good company in the majority and a few that you see potential to grow along with you.  These can create great moments of bonding.  And these friends create great community.

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